Tube life


Wondering if my tubes or my hearing’s going. Feeling my system should sound better. Bought  Vandersteen Quatros 2 months ago and believe I've got them dialed in fairly well. I include this because I don't have years of listening to them to compare back to. Have to turn my CJ Premier 16 pre to about 43 to get a decent amount of sound. These Quatros replaced Tannoy Kensingtons that only needed a volume setting of 32 for a decent amount of sound.

System is:  

• Pre:   Conrad Johnson Premier 16LS
• Pwr:   Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono Blocks
• Pwr Condtnr: Shunyata Hydra
• Speakers: Vandersteen Quatros
• Cabeling: Stealth PGS IC’s, Vandenhull Bi-wire Speaker wiring
• Sources: Conrad Johnson DV-2B CD Player, SOTA Star w/SME arm w/Benz cart, Magnum Dynalab Tube Tun
• Music:   Classic Rock, Easy listening, Female Jazz singers, Classical
• Room:   Big (25 X 30) w/cathedral ceiling. Harwood floors/ceiling and big glass windows. Rugs and furniture

Replaced all unit's tubes 5 years ago and bought them all from Conrad Johnson. Play the system about 10 hours a week so that would be about 2600 hours of play.

Think the tubes have seen their better days? My hearing? I'm 56...

Thank you!

Thank you oddiofyl, your experience sounds just like mine! The switch in speakers coinciding with the escalating degrading of tubes really threw a curve in assessing!

I have a local guitar/ amp tech who is also into tube hifi who will test tubes for free.   I went on his recommendation of Mullard repop EL34 and they sound great.   Guys like him sometimes have some really good NOS tubes too.  

For around $320 you can get a 8 matched Tung-sol reproduction 6550's from Upscale Audio. That's where I buy my tubes these days excellent quality and reliability and good service. What brand is c-j offering these days?
$1500 for an octet of EH 6550's seems excessive to the point of gouging. Even if that includes the smaller signal tubes it's still very excessive. I would buy my tubes from any of the vendors mentioned above before giving c-j another dime for tubes.