Question for tube aficionados

I have a vintage Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp.
 I’ve always re-tubed it  with the cheapest tubes from Tube Depot (e.g. Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 and 12AX7, Sovtek 5751 and the like.). I’ve been very happy with the sound.
 My question is:
 Would it be worthwhile to spend more money on more exotic tubes?
  Would there be any appreciable difference in the sound?
 I’m powering the system with NuForce Reference 9 V3 monoblocks.
Thanks to all of you that gave advice about NOS tubes.
They make a HUGE  difference in the sound of my set.
I sold the Belles. They were definitely not compatible and were not powerful enough to drive my system.
The NuForce are much stronger, and they sound fabulous.