Forte Model 7 Opinions

I'm looking at a pair of used Forte Model 7 monoblocks. I've not been able to find much info about them. I had an early Nelson Pass designed Threshold amp in the 70's. It had great bass but subdued highs. Any opinions or recommendations on this model?

I had three 4a's, best amp for the Aerial 5s I ever heard. My concern would be obtaining IGBT transistors if one had to be replaced. Pass could probably help, but at what cost? Matching of the xsistors may also be an issue.

Nelson's diatribe on electronic devices for audio is very well delineated, available at on some of the owners manuals. Best, Trip.
Thank you for your opinions and recommendations. I've agreed to purchase the pair of 7's at a price that was very attractive. I'm planning on using them to drive some Martin-Logan CLS IIz's. If they don't work out well, I should be able to resell them and recover my initial investment.

I appreciate you taking the time to post a response.
