Fake XLO cables from China

I have purchased lately 2 XLO power cables on Yahoo Japan and Ebay.  One is called XLO Purple Rush and the other Signature 3. The cables look like the real deal but it turns out all 3 are fake and sound no better than stock computer cables. Stupid me, but at least I want to make sure others don't repeat this mistake.  
I have to say I no longer will buy any used cables. Period.
Cables are just way too easy to fake.
It is a sad state of affairs, but it is the reality of Chinese knockoffs.
(Since under the skin they could be anything, just anything.)
And the old story of you get what you pay for.. applies to cables too.
I have to disagree about "they sound just as good'. LOL
I would thus guess you are a all cables sound the same camp.