Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

I never said cables always CHANGE the sound.

But you wrote:

Cables add their own flavor to the Sonic signature of your system. They are in fact, tone controls.

How does not imply that when you change audio cables, you change the sound? And you didn’t add any caveat like "sometimes."

Just for an example, if the wire inside of your components is X and the wire connecting those components is Y, then wouldn’t be logical to assume that you are adding something different to the signal?

In terms of altering the audible content of the signal?

No. That doesn’t necessarily follow at all.  That a cable carries a musical signal does not entail that it "flavors" the musical signal. A competent working cable shouldn’t "flavor" the sound, it just passes the signal along. If the cables within the component are not altering the signal within the audible spectrum, and the cable you attach to the component is not altering the signal within the audible spectrum...(and those are measurable) then there’s no reason to think one cable is "flavoring" the sound any differently than the other. No more than transferring your pictures or software from one computer to another will alter or "flavor" them differently. Sure analog isn’t as reliable as digital in terms of replication, but electrical theory is reliable enough to do a very good job at preserving fidelity. That’s pretty much why we have electrical theory to describe how you transmit a signal reliably among different cables, and the reasoning behind cable construction and selection in the first place. It’s why, for instance, in the interconnect cable tests I linked to, you saw essentially identical measurements among different cables, and no one could reliably tell the sound apart.

If every single cable altered the actual sound signal to the degree many audiophiles seem to assume, audio fidelity should be utterly horrible, given how many cables sound passes through from recording to mixing to mastering through all the components in consumer systems.

have you checked the classifieds here of late?
A LOT of lower priced stuff for sale as well as the high end and guess what? it sells.
And have you tried to sell true high end gear of late? its a tough sell right now.

Twice now you have been given to fact that a lot of what sells on Audiogon is in fact not expensive.After I wrote that your response is still:"" The whole purpose of Audiogon is to sell high-end audio equipment to people who feel they need high-end audio equipment to fully enjoy their music.""Which as I and another have shown (if you bother to look at prices)And I left off the start " "EVERYTHING about Audiogon is centered around the idea..." OK maybe I should have kept that part too.But I certainly disagree, and so does nonoise.
I just have to say Audiogon sells all sorts of equipment. Low priced and high priced. And since for many years Audiogon has been the #1 place for selling and buying gear. lots of all kinds, cheap and uber costly get listed here. But even the cheap stuff is the audiophile sort.Which speaks volumes for folks who come here.
If you want to try some relatively inexpensive power cords that sound great, try the Oyaide Tunami from VH audio with Furutech F-11M ends. You can assemble these pretty cheap. I went from  the Pans to that & it was a nice upgrade. 

+1 Elizabeth + uberwaltz + prof

Audiogon is primarily a forum for the sharing of ideas or facts. there is also a marketplace where all manner of HiFi equipment is available from low-end ranging to the hi-end. Even I have bought from the marketplace and I am in Australia.

We do not have the diversity or quantity of equipment here in comparison. Unfortunately we pay a penalty in exchange rate, import duty and shipping costs. But being selective and patient one can grab a bargain.