Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

One more thing (Boy, am I long-winded today!)...

In these forums, you see an awful lot of skepticism about the HEA industry.  Some of it is - no doubt - justified... especially about certain dealers.

OTOH, over the past 10-12 years I've had the opportunity to become acquainted with a number of audio designers, distributers & dealers. MOST of them are really nice, honest folks who love music and want you to enjoy it.  (And, yes, they hope to make a lot of $$ helping you enjoy it.)

Don't assume that ALL of them are just in it for a buck.  A few are!  But most of them are a lot more like you. (Don't you wish you could make a living in HEA, or whatever your favorite hobby is?)

I'm not saying you can trust ALL of these people.  But don't paint them all with the same brush. The majority really are good guys.

This thread has taken a nice turn from the usual cable threads with a LOT of very well written and thoughtful posts by numerous contributors without too much heckling and sniping.
I still think I believe I know what I hear

Just one in the world do you find the time and state of mind to put together such powerful and long posts.
I tend to get a little lost after a couple of paragraphs when I am composing.
Hope you have some darn good music in the background for stimulation!

Though you were joking, to be clear I’m not remotely angry and felt I was being conciliatory.

And I understand you aren’t asking me to believe just on your say so.
(No more than I’d ask you to believe anything just because I say so).

I’ve known and/or spoken to a great number of audiophiles, high end salesman and manufacturers (as I suspect any of us have who have been in this hobby for many decades) and I think most manufacturers believe in their product and their various claims, and aren’t trying to hoodwink people. That’s why I’d written: "And btw, it doesn’t even have to be cynical or deliberate: people selling high end speakers certainly can and do believe in break in."

That said...when it comes to cables, given one can find companies charging up to $10,000 for an ethernet cable, I reserve the right to a special level of suspicion about the cynicism hiding in the audiophile cable industry.


You will have to have the last word on this subject (you won’t allow it any other way!)
Your extensive rationalizations have worn me out.

Sorry, didn't mean to wear you out.  Don't respond if you don't feel like it, but if you even just ignore my last post to you, I would still be curious about your answer to one question.

You'd said there was a degree of hype and self-delusion in our hobby.

How do you think we could determine hype from substance, and just as important, self-delusion from reality?