Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?
Hey Prof, d'you remember me? Prolly not, but that is OK. I am the guy with the DeVore O/93's. Along with a lot of others, I admire your ability to write about and describe the unique attributes of various loudspeakers. You are superior in doing that than most professional reviewers. It struck me a discordant when I first saw you post, in another thread, your conviction that wire is wire and your absolute belief that anything other than basic cabling is a waste of hard-earned money. My subjective experience over many years and many systems is that it all depends. With some electronics (which for some reason tend to be solid state) and speakers, the cabling makes only subtle differences. With others, often but not always tubed, the cabling makes a very large difference in sound character. I am being careful not to claim that some cabling is superior in certain systems, only that they make a greater change. I happen to believe that often these [greater] changes are qualitative but I would never insist that someone else either would have to agree or be wrong. Assuming separate components, the IC's between preamp and amp and from amp to loudspeakers tend to be most critical, but again, there are no "always". I do find it surprising that with all the loudspeakers you have auditioned, that you have not noted the importance of cabling but then again, it does not seem that you have experimented with cabling nearly as much as you have mixed up loudspeakers. Last thing; I feel zero compulsion to convince anyone that dismisses cabling of their mistake. I got where I wanted to go. At the end of the day, everything is different for everyone-listening room, electricity, gear, goals, tastes, everything. It is amazing that there is any common ground at all and mostly the common ground is the music and the piece of kit being discussed. After that, it is random. A free-for-all like the food fight in Animal House. 

fsconicsmith, of course I remember you. I really appreciated your contributions regarding the 0/93s! And thanks for the kind words.

On cables: I have tried to make it clear that my own view is far from settled, and that I’m not claiming there aren’t ever differences in sounds among cables.   I'm in no position to know such a thing, let alone believe it.

Rather, I think I still have good reasons for not placing a strong emphasis on high end cables in my system - that is spending a lot of money on cabling. Which is a different thing.


Difference in sound - SS  vs. Tube
Difference in sound - between tubes of the same type e.g. 6SN7/5692
Difference in sound - between different power tubes e.g. EL84, KT88, 300B.

Personal preference in speaker sound/choice.  
Difference in sound - Vinyl vs Digital

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 

The science notwithstanding; is it not possible for one to hear differences in interconnects? 
Just a generalization; if your amp is solid state and constructed of select parts, the power cord will make a larger relative difference than the other cables. If your amp is tubed and made from top tier parts, the IC between preamp and amp will make the most relative difference, with speaker cables a close second.
With the resurgence of integrated amplifiers, I'm sure there's an after market for high-end wires connecting the pre to power stages...