Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?
The old AQ Truth are great cables, in truth. I wish they still made them. If I recall correctly even back then AQ controlled them for directionality. I had copper and silver versions of AQ Truth. Other than keeping connections nice and bright the AQ Truth should be good to go. Electrons don’t seem to get tired. There is no
Geritol for electrons even if they did.

I had a pair of AQ GR8 speaker cables for years. Only sold them when I moved up to some Nordost cables.
Very good cables from my memory.
Never seen or heard of them from anybody else until
I can’t believe someone even remembers those Truth cable! Much less owned some. They never seemed to get in the way or cause any problems over the years, so I just left them. A couple years ago I wrote AQ to see if they could put new terminals on when I was renewing my system, but never got around to it. Geoffkait has me thinking about the directionality, since the lettering has worn/polished off over the years. I suppose if I got the new terminals they could figure that out. And now I’ll never sleep until I figure out if I have them installed backwards! lol
If memory serves AQ cables have arrows pointing from source to destination, maybe arrows on the jacket and connector. If all else fails just reverse the cables, assuming for interconnects they are connected identically, as opposed to one correct the other incorrect, sometimes interconnects are color coded for just that reason. Then see which way is better.
AQ cables definitely have arrows for direction on the sleeving of the cable itself if a smooth covering like some of their older cables or in the case of newer stuff, like a pair of Coral XLR I have on the heatshrink by the connector itself.
I just posted this over at the whose an expert/guru forum:
I say that prof is a noru (not a guru) and of no interest to me. He doesn't elicit any information I can use to analyze anything. Just a lot of wind. I'll stick to reading teo for information. I'm no guru, I just write about my own experiences experimenting with tweaks and my own equipment. I have heard dozens of high end systems to compare sound with. If it sounds like music, it doesn't have to be a high end system, just pleasant. If it is high end, it better sound like enjoyable music or something's wrong with the room, equipment or symbiotic relationship of the equipment.


Well I’m glad to see you put the effort into cross posting your castigation of me. One can perhaps admire your thoroughness!

I wonder, though: What do you think about this thread that starts by calling out cable skeptics as dogmatic or delusional?

Is that the kind of rhetoric you see as fitting and helpful? I don’t see you voicing any problem with it. Is it only open season on people who have doubts about high end cabling - disparage them as one wishes?

Fortunately I’m not trying to be anyone’s guru. But if you find me a bore on cables, it’s possible you may still find something of interest in my babbling over on the speakers forum. Many seem to have enjoyed my recent “speaker journey” describing the many speakers I’ve auditioned and compared. It’s a pretty big list and maybe you’d find it more entertaining.