Like the new look to audiogon ?

Noticed this morning that a change happened on the site.   

If you go the category section and click on Amps / Solid State,  you then see all the thumbnails of the amps that are for sale.          Its a little confusing as first you see the BOOSTED LISTINGS, then after that is the FEATURED LISTINGS.....then you see ALL THE SOLID STATE LISTINGS. 

Gone is the category view of the listings......
Garbage new format.  Presumably we all know how to read so a text list is the fast and best way to research.  Pictures come after after we select..
Jeez, why did they do this? Hard to believe that someone in charge at Audiogon looked at the changes and said “yup, this is way better, let’s go with this!”
I will now say that audiogon is the worst classified site I have yet seen. Great... way to go and ruin a good thing. 
Ok, so I just tried browsing around some cadigories in my usual way and it was impossible to quickly scan the lists for price point or notice certain brands... the eye can not easily scan the page for info at all! 

And here i was ready to give them $100 for a listing. I think I’ll rethink that. 

Who wants to try to see a product by looking through a porthole?!  Horrible idea!!!!  I already have lost interest in perusing the site.