Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
David, thanks for calling this amp and this manufacturer to our attention. I read the review, and it certainly sounds like a remarkable value at its price point.

The only thing that strikes me as being a possible concern is the combination of its extremely high specified damping factor of 2000 (which is unheard of as far as I am aware for an amp that is described, per the reviewer, as not being class D), and (to a lesser extent) the low THDN spec of <0.006%. Those numbers suggest the likelihood that the amp uses substantial amounts of feedback, which might mean that the subjective perception of speed and detail that is reported may be significantly contributed to by TIM (transient intermodulation distortion).

We shall see. Nonoise, best of luck with your purchase.

Best regards,
-- Al
Thanks, Al. I just hope that he's found a workaround to what you described and that it won't be of any concern. 😀

I'l report back as things progress.

All the best,
@almarg  I also noticed the high damping factor but did not make the connection to the low THD spec. 

Thank you for bringing this to my (and our) attention. 

Perhaps @alvin1118 (Alvin / Vinshine Audio) can comment?
@nonoise  Congratulations!!! You move fast. : )  Looking forward to reading your impressions once you have it.
@david_ten , Thanks David. I'm normally not this impulsive.
The wait is going to be difficult. 😣

All the best,