Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
Can this integrated amp be purchased domestically or only through Vinshine? Not sure .....I know Vinshine Audio has a great reputation, just wondering if a US option is available.  Most likely not as that is one reason the price is so attractive.  I must admit this looks to be a fine piece of audio gear. Most interested in it.  
Hi Grannyring , yes a very valid concern, so I am here as the USA counterpart to Alvin at Vinshine. I plan to keep at least one piece of the top sellers in stock here. This means a USA distro center for the Vinshine products. (I am known in the audio scene and am honest to a fault) If it happens to be a time when we are waiting for inventory, you could prepay a deposit with me here in USA, and then I would ship a few days later after it was received. Service issues are handled here in Atlanta and so far have been very few. only 2 to be exact. each of them were just sent a new unit and we kept the repair. Most likely that will not happen all the time, but lets say we fix yours and send back.. no more than 72 hours in my hands and it ships right back. I can also provide free professional consultation for my clients insofar as rig/room setup is concerned. Sometimes I feel really bad when I realize how long and how much money some of us have spent chasing the sound that we all know exists when honestly all it takes is a pro to spend a little time on the phone with you to spot issues immediately. Prime example feeding the biwire loudspeaker using full range cables and jumpers and feeding the bass posts and jumping to the highs. If you have them wired this way I’ll offer a free instant upgrade/ Go run the cables to the top/high binding posts and jump them down. There are so many little things. My purpose in life is to get the most Audiophiles I can into the "magic" zone. I can do this with a $3500 complete rig (used price) up to the six figures, world class level. I can provide your results over the phone. The fact that I’m working with Alvin and Vinshine simply expands my toolbox to create those magic rigs for more people. I am very picky about quality. In fact you can hear the Vinshine product being compared to others sometimes much more expensive on my Youtube channel called "OCD Hi-Fi Guy". I play into the charachter lots of us have in our head about this crazy hobby. subscribe there for updates on the latest demo and shootout videos. You can actually hear the difference in DACS , it was surprising to me that it was so clear. I’ll be doing the Kinki Studio amp Demo in about a weeks time.

Glad to be of service ! Happy Listening


P.S. Thanks for the kind words Terry !
@teajay Should be a fun day at Ezra’s place! In addition to the integrated amp comparison, I’m looking forward to your take on how Ezra’s Tekton Ulfberth BEs are settling into his system. Can you share that side of the system 'experience' over on the DI thread?
Hey David,

Here's the "field report" comparing the Kinki EX-M1 to the latest generation T+A integrated amplifier.

My assumption that the EX-M1 would come very close to the performance of the vastly more expensive German built T+A piece was incorrect. The T+A reference was clearly superior in the following areas:

1) An even higher level of transparency that allowed more of the micro-details to be easily heard.

2) The size of the sound-stage was not that different, but the air between players and how 3D the images were was at a higher level.

3) There was a purity/finesse to the overall presentation that was more effortless with the T+A.

4) Ezra and Allen would disagree on this last point, but I did not hear that much of a difference in bottom end control or extension between the two integrated amplifiers.

So, this does not change my position regrading the excellence of the Kinki EX-M1 overall and to match its performance you would have to spend a lot more money.  However, in this comparison you could clearly hear what another $18000.00 gets you into a qualitative higher level of performance.
@ teajay,

How long has the Kinki EX-M1 been in the system? I imagine it will improve with more time but it sounds like it is a very nice sounding unit for the money for sure.
