The Best AC/ IEC power plug combination. Oyaide, Iego, Neotech

I am looking for the best AC/ IEC plug combination to be used with a solid core copper/ OCC cable.

I found that the sound is significantly influenced by the power plugs, in some cases even more so than the cable itself.

Right now I have "the best" plugs, namely Oyaide M1/ F1 plugs on my powercables,

They are nothing short of amazing, however.

They add soundstage, width, depth, seperation, openess, precision. However, they also lose on timbre and warmth/ emotion.

Now I am looking at other combinations within my chain.

Could you share some light on the following:

Neotech AC - Neotech IEC
Iego AC - Iego IEC
Oyaide with either Neotech or Iego on the other side
or even
Neotech on side and Iego other side

Which plug influences the sound more, the IEC or AC plug?

I was thinking of getting Rhodium copper/ silver AC side and Gold IEC side, basically receiving all the detail and resolution first and then adding a touch of warmth.

Or should I approach it the other way around?

@michelzay The cable will probably be at least NRG 4 or maybe 3 x NRG 1.5 (psc+) in an own design, who knows. It will be Audioquest at least (or in some cases Kimber PK10). My PC will always be full copper, never silver (maybe only for the ground wire if that would be better).

So, do you suggest:

Iego 8085 gold ac plug to Audioquest PC and then which IEC?

I have tried Furutech, but it does not sound good in my system.

How about Wattgate silver's?

My idea right now is Neotech rhodium IEC?

- AQ NRG-4 has multiple noise dissipation layers, it would be a better choice than 3xNRG1.5. Power cord built up against RFI is more important than purity of its copper conductor. 

- IEC Rhodium is not a bad idea. I also tried IEGO 8085 male with Fi-15plus Rhodium IEC ($50), Plating is done on pure copper conductors. IT is a good match.

- Furutech Fi-15 copper IEC is also a good choice. I had a good result using them.

- I didn't have a good result using Silver IEC (IEGO or Furutech Fi-11 Silver IEC).

After all, it is all system dependent.



As I'm trying to better the cheaper WattGates which are stock on my Analysis Plus Oval 2 MK II, and have tried to caught upon all said combinations of Furutech | IeGo Power connectors here, as it seem they're covered more here then anywhere else.

Seeming that my cord has silver conductors, what would be the ideal combination to go as far as AC | IEC connectors from said companies?, as I only have this one cord to mod, as I'm very very happy with an Oyaide Black Mamba-Sigma V2 used on my DAC and only need to address the one above which is then rotated between my AudioMat Arpege 10 Reference | Coda Technologies Unison 3 Ultra Edition | Pathos Acoustics Classic One MK lll.

Any assistance with this would be welcomed.

O_o scar
I am wondering about AC plugs myself. My question is the interaction of differing material? So a Furutech gold plated GTX.. Do I 'need' to use a gold plated plug? (Currently I have two Wattgate copper unplated plugs in the gold plated wall GTX. I am buying a silver plated Wattgate since the wire I am using is also silver plated copper.I wonder about the galvanic corrosion? between dissimilar metals in contact inside the connection? (apparently this is NOT a problem, since no one writes about it in this context.) (An aside.. Adding a wrap of teflon pumbers' tape around the base of each plug blade then squeezing it down to 1/3 height, SEALS the plug to the duplex. keeping fresh air out and lessening oxidation of copper and silver metal parts)
I was interested in the Oyaide Pallidum 9.3x 10^6 /platinum 9.4X10^6 plug until I see it has much less of the conductivity of Silver 6.3x 10^7   (copper is 5.98X10^7 very close behind silver)Rhodium is 2.23x10^7 BTWAfter years of using cheap duplex, I just have gone 'all in' in high end duplex.. The most interesting thing to my mind full of economic stuff is the cost of high end duplex. Compared to cables, which can range from  a few dollars to $multiple tens of thousands per meter pair! ditto speaker cables and powercords. duplex are NOT expensive. The best cost less than $300. Which is only the price of a moderate cost pair of IC. Though if you add in carbon fiber covers.. can double the cost. But STILL dirt cheap in the grand scheme of uber $$$$ wire stuff. So for high end audio, the one place where high end money driven madness has NOT struck is duplex outlets. So with all that in mind I jumped in and bought a dozen Furutech duplex. 7 gold, 5 Rhodium, Planning  mass burn in, daisy chaining them all front to back... for a month.(note I am not fussing about trying every outlet from Tesla to Blue whatever.)
For the cost of two pair of the sort of IC I am now using, I can have every important outlet in my system/conditioners and such high end duplex. Plus the Furutech GTX gold is on sale as low as $108.  once 'in the basket' at a reputable dealer!  ...  the GTX DRhodium NCF is down 15% off.