Best vintage amps (late 70s / early 80s) under $3k?

The golden age of audio was arguably the late 70s / early 80s, when corporations were willing to dump a ton of money into R&D / materials to make the best equipment possible. The downside to owning equipment from this period now is possible refurbishment and maintenance costs, but it seems good deals can still be had.

Wondering if you guys had recommendations of great sounding amps from this era? Ideally I'm looking for something that's 100W minimum, doesn't run hot, and under $3000 second hand.

I already have a fully refurbished late 70s Pioneer M-22 that outputs 30W into 8ohms. I love this amp, but being Class A it's like a radiator and not suitable for Southern California's summer months in a smallish room. More power would also be good as my speaker efficiency is 89.5db. I listen to many genres of music, so the amp needs to be a good all-rounder.

My current chain:

Turntable: Technics 1210M5G w/ AudioMods tonearm and Lyra Delos MC cart
Phono stage: Avid Pulsus
Preamp: Schiit Saga
Amp: Pioneer M-22
Speakers: Prana Fidelity Bhava
Subs: Rythmik L12
Robertson 4010. I’ve got one in pristine condition that has seen off all comers in its power bracket (and some distance beyond).
Audionics of Oregon CC2

a Low TIM amp, one of the first..... and very sweet sounding.....

Pts, I wonder if any of the amps, posters are recommending, are amps that are stationary in their main listening rooms ? I know they were good in their day ( most have passed through my rooms ), but they do not compare to an M22. Get the Nuforce STA 200, and if you do not like it, return it. I rid myself of many amps this past year because of this " little " guy. I did not design it, nor do I have any affiliation with the company, but it sounds musical on several speakers I currently own, and I tried it on some other systems at some friends houses. Enjoy ! MrD.
mrdecibel - I wonder the same thing, but it's great to get recommendations from people who have been in the hobby far longer than myself. I google every amp that's suggested and read reviews and past forum discussions.

I wouldn't have bought the M-22 otherwise; that amp is truly loved by people who know what it's capable of. It's a shame about the heat, but hey, that Class A for you.

I do have a cool running 150W pre-lawsuit ODL (Odyssey Stratos) that's good for the summer months, but it's getting old (so old I wouldn't bother asking Klaus about refurbishment) and I can definitely do better.

I'm always hoping there are a few Audiogon-ers in the Los Angeles area that want to get together and shootout audio components over a few beers, but that doesn't always happen. You normally have to buy blind or hope there are a few audio stores around that have good demo rooms.

Regarding what you suggested; I actually know someone who has my speakers and a Nuforce STA 200 amp. He said it's decent, but not necessarily the best match. It's hear it's very impressive at first, but for longer listening sessions can get a little fatiguing due to the fast transient focus and slightly etched detail. Just one person's report though, I may still check it out.