Why so many Plinius for sale lately

I was curious why there seem to be a lot of the latest versions of Plinius amps for sale lately, like the 100MkIII and the 250MkIV. The asking prices seem to be pretty low, yet they haven't been marked as sold. All the reviews I've read rate them pretty highly.
Probably the one important weakness of Plinius amps is its high frequency extension which is relatively rolled off/muted, so you do not really hear the crispy sparkly sound of live instruments.

The Ulta Upgrade from Vince Galbo, former Plinius importer and current warranty tech, does much to fix this fault. My SA-103 sounded a little plummy in the midbass and, as Pani says, rolled in the highs. After the $1,500 upgrade, which replaces all caps and resistors and beefs up the power supply, among other things, it became far more balanced through the frequencies and extended at both ends, with more nuance and micro-detail. Quieter, too. Now it is an excellent amp, IMO. While not quite as "sparkly" on top as my VAC 300.1a, it's close, and that says a great deal.

Vince Galbo refreshed my sa250 mkIII last year with new caps and an upgraded to the predriver stage.  It sounds much better but the transformer buzz is annoying 
Vince Galbo fixed and upgraded my SA-100 mk2 a few years ago and I upgraded my power lines to my system as well. Both worth the investments. 

With my SA-100 mk2, I now enjoy Class AB more than Class A, which seems less 3D and less musical than Class AB operation. I don’t know why this is, and Vince never heard of this issue. I tried an Aragon 8008BB in my system and it really highlighted Vince’s upgrades.