Does dcs Vivaldi stack needs a pre amp

Hi all - I am considering buying a dSC Vivaldi Transport, DAC and clock, but can only do this if I can sell my Solution 520 pre.

Any experience having your Vivaldi stack directly connected to your amp?

Same question was asked and answered in this thread. Of course the “all preamps are bad” zealots rapidly swept down

In a nutshell based on my experience a)yes you can but b) it sounds better through my preamp than direct

Having read your other posts you may also want to bear in mind that the impact of upgrading the cables in a dCS system (to Transparent Reference XL or similar for digital plus your choice in power cords) is much greater than the choice whether to run direct or not.

Said another way you should budget 30+% of the cost of a Vivaldi stack for cables, sorry that this may seem extreme but if you don’t you are only hearing a fraction of what the Vivaldi can give you.

My virtual system has full details on my Vivaldi configuration and all the accessories I use (click “toggle details” for all the specifics)

Hi folkfreak, thank you for your valuable post. I am honestly very much impressed by you set-up. Wouw! Good to see you have tubes in the setup. When carefully chosen l, it can be a good balance/match.

I currently have Kharma Enigma Signature XLR interconnects which are to my humble opinion not too bad but indeed heard good things about Transparent Reference. I have tried lots af cables but indeed upgrading might be necessary.

I am going to have a good conversation with my dealer to make plan after a few listening sesions at home.

and apologize for bringing this apparently up again. The link on the subject is appreciated