Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve

Autoformers vs speakers with wild impedance curve swings (for instance; MC601 amp paired with B&W 802D3 speakers).

There’s a wealth of information about tube amp audio transformers interaction with speaker impedance, but I can’t find anything regarding Autoformer and speaker impedance/phase curve relationships. 

Can any techies enlighten me? 


(I tacked a similar post onto the end of a 10 year old thread but thought I might get a few more hits with a new thread.  Sorry for the redundancy)

Thanks all!

Some questions to clarify all of your thoughts and input are “gelling”. I need to digest this further. 

Very interesting read atmasphere. I had briefly read it once before, but it was much more clear the second time through.

More to follow. 

73max OP
Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve

Just don’t get sucked into the McIntosh propaganda, or others hype here.

They (autoformers) allow an amp to work with a speaker that it normally wouldn’t be a good match for.
Better to rather spend the money and get the RIGHT AMP instead of putting a "soft comfort cushion" (autoformer) between the amp and speaker.

Your B&W 802D3 deserve better than this, get the right amp for them.
" B&W 802D3 The magnitude drops to 3 ohms between 100 and 130Hz, and again between 670 and 770Hz; and while the electrical phase angle is low in the lower region, it becomes increasingly inductive above 600Hz, reaching +46° at 1kHz, where the magnitude is 4 ohms. There is also a combination of 4 ohms and –64° at 69Hz, implying that this speaker does require an amplifier that is not upset by a low effective impedance."

This statement "There is also a combination of 4 ohms and –64° at 69Hz" means the amp could see an EPDR load of down to 2ohms!!!!!!! And it stays at 3ohms for the rest of the bass and upper bass!!!

Cheers George

Your B&W 802 D3 will be better off driven by a pair of Classe Delta CAM-300 monoblock amps or the CAM-600 monoblock amps. I’ve heard these B&W 802 D3 paired with the Classe Delta CAM-300 & CAM-600 monoblock amps before as well as the Mac MC601 monoblock amps in the same setup and same listening room environment.
They sounded best driven by either the Classe Delta CAM-300 or CAM-600 monoblock amps. These Classe Delta series amps have been discontinued last year and can be had at discounted prices if you can find a used pairs.
The Classe CAM-600 originally retail for the same price as the Mac MC601 ($14k/pair) and the CAM-300 originally retail for $11k/pair). 

These B&W 800 series D3 speakers pair really well with Classe Delta series amplifiers. They sounded great together.
I’m currently using the Classe Delta CAM-600 monoblock amps to drive my B&W 800 D3 front speakers in my dedicated home theater room. They sounded spectacular together.
I’m also using the Classe CAM-300 monoblock amp (single) to power the matching B&W HTML1 D3 center channel speaker. Classe and B&W have great synergy together.
08-17-2018 11:41am@73max

Your B&W 802 D3 will be better off driven by a pair of Classe Delta CAM-300 monoblock amps or the CAM-600 monoblock amps.
+1 This is what I meant by the right amp  73max OP

Cheers george
Thanks George.  I’ve actually read that.

My confusion stems from the fact that some posts imply that autoformers help with a difficult load.   This would seem to imply they would be a good match for the 802D3s.   If, in fact, autoformers function similar to an  output transformer, the opossite would seem to be true.

I suppose it depends  how one defines a  difficult load.  Are these posts just considering the nominal impedance and the sensitivity,  ignoring the importance of impedance curve and phase issues??? Much yet to consider.