Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve

Autoformers vs speakers with wild impedance curve swings (for instance; MC601 amp paired with B&W 802D3 speakers).

There’s a wealth of information about tube amp audio transformers interaction with speaker impedance, but I can’t find anything regarding Autoformer and speaker impedance/phase curve relationships. 

Can any techies enlighten me? 


(I tacked a similar post onto the end of a 10 year old thread but thought I might get a few more hits with a new thread.  Sorry for the redundancy)

I can hear the air movement from the fan. This has pushed me away from the CA-M600 that was suggested. But, the upgrade bug has hit.

Seeing you have a thing for Classe, this is what i’d like to see on them, it will control them with an iron fist, and if you need colourations try different preamps, they all sound different.

Find a used Classé Omega power amplifier, no fans, this below from the test bench is what "current (wattage doubling)" is all about and wattage. Not that you need that much wattage, a 100 at 8ohms would do.
" The Classé Omega proved a powerhouse on these tests (fig.8), generating
506W into 8 ohms
985.4W into 4 ohms
1886W into 2 ohms
and an astonishing 3425W into 1 ohm!!!!!"

It’s RCA input at 129kohm is fine for all preamps .
But it’s XLR input is only 8.4kohm so the preamp need to be very low output impedance (solid state) if the xlr is used.

Cheers George

Find a used Classé Omega power amplifier

Nice!  Don’t see any on the market and they are 20 years old.  Recap time. I’m terrible with a soldering iron, and sourcing all the caps…
This would be nice, if you could up the ante a bit more.

If??? if you look at Class-D, something I'm not warmed to yet. I did hear one that made me take notice once, and that was the Belcanto M600 monoblocks, these "could" do the 802 D3's justice.

Cheers George    

With your B&W 802 D3, you will be better off keeping your Classe CA-2300 or upgrade to Classe CAM-300 monoblock amps or the CAM-600 monoblock amps rather than getting the Mac MC601. 

Try and have a listen to the Classe CAM-600 monoblock amps on your B&W 802 D3. The Classe CAM-600 is a step up from and is in different league than your Classe CA-2300 or the CAM-300. Not only the CAM 600 have twice as much power than the CA-2300 or the CAM-300 but the CAM-600 sounded and perform better, quieter, more musical and better separation and better image focus much more dynamics better slams larger wider deeper soubdstsge better image depths and better overall more refined sounding than the CA-2300. The CAM 600 can also do subtlety better than the CA-2300. The music has more presence with the CAM 600. The CA-2300 is great but the CAM 600 does everything more and better. 
They will sound really good on your B&W 802 D3. 

I'm myself using the Classe CAM-600 monoblock amps driving the B&W 800 D3 in my dedicated home theater room with the Classe SSP 800 as my AV preamp surround processor. I use this setup strictly for home theater (bluray & 4k UHD disc playbacks from my Oppo 205). 
I didn't find the fan annoying at all. It was hardly audible even when it's on when no music or sound is playing. Depending on how far back your listening position is from the amp(s). You might want to check and see if the fan filter needs to get cleaned. 

As you might already know that all Classe Delta series gears, which include the CA-2300, CAM-300, CAM-600, CA-5300, CP 800, SSP 800, CA-D200, have been discontinued last year and nowaday can be had at discounts. The CAM-600 originally retail for $14k/pair and you can find a used one for probably less than $10k/pair. 

Or alternatively, the Classe Omega monoblock amps are even better sounding amps than the CAM 600 and all other Delta series amps but the Omega series gears are older than the CAM 600. I think the Omega monobloclosed amps were discontinued like 10 yrs ago. They were first introduced around 2001/2002 I think. If you can find a used Omega monoblock amps in mint excellent condition and make sure all the caps are still good or have been replaced with Classe original ones I think you should not be hesitant to grab them. They are excellent amps. 

In regards to class D amps, as suggested earlier by Georgehifi, Bel Canto, Theta, NAD Master Series, Classe Sigma series amps all make excellent sounding class D amps. They aren't my favorite amps. I'm more of class A or AB or valves kind of guy. Actually I had listened to the Classe Sigma Mono Amps monoblock amps (class D design) paired with the B&W 802 D3 before at a local dealer here and I thought they sounded great together but I prefer the analog class A/AB amps from Classe such as the CAM 600, CAM 300, CA-2300 or the Classe Omega series amps. But the Classe Sigma series amps are very good considering they are class D designs. 
Classe uses its own proprietary design in designing its class D amps with the Sigma series amps. 
Thanks caphill!

I’m definitely a Classé fanboy.  I absolutely love the sound of my 2300 and can only imagine how good your CA-M600s sound. I haven’t ruled them out, but the fan noise has been an issue for me.

I’m in an extremely quiet and smallish room with fairly extensive acoustic treatment so the slightest noise can be heard. Once I que in on the fan noise I fixate on it and notice it even more. I’ll definitely try cleaning the filter. 

A pair recently sold for $6500 and I almost bid on them, but it was a local pickup (not in my area) and I still have my concerns about fan noise. 

Im a little afraid of the class D stuff. No good reason as I haven’t even listened to one. Maybe I will. They seem to be improving rapidly. Manufacturers  must love them, as they seem considerably less expensive to build. They are passing some of that savings on to the consumer…For now. I’m certain as acceptance becomes greater the prices will increase.  

  There are quite a few McIntosh MC 601s on the market due to the new 611 coming out. I haven’t ruled that out either.  I have listened to a Mac 452  with 802D3s and preferred my 2300. However that Mac was in a horribly set up room. I’m still going to try to listen to a 601 with the 802D3s.  I have to admit, I am a sucker for the big blue meters!  I absolutely love the way the macs look. But, sound first! 

I’m still going through all  the other recommended amplifiers on this post. A lot to consider.