The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers

You don't have to make the best speakers on earth, or most expensive, and you don't have to become an expert in the tech, but in all my years in audio, I have to say DIY is the most fun and educational. For me, speaker building was a lot more fun than electronics (amps, pre's etc.) 

Lots of great sources for complete kits as well as paper-only designs. Speaker building is also a great thing to do with your kids. I highly recommend it.


BTW, Audiogon is great for many, but if you are going to DIY stuff, I strongly suggest or the Parts Express forums are better. They let you post pictures which makes communication a lot easier, plus lots of die-hard DIY'ers there to help you. 
I agree 100%. Especially your DIY speakers sound the same or better than many high $$ speakers.  I built mine using SEAS drivers and xover pieces from Madisound, cabinets from Parts Express, stands from Dynaudio (Stand 20). They sound amazing.

here they are:

Hey @pc ,

While I agree that DIY speakers can be huge cost savers, those conversations usually devolve into "but your speakers will never be as good as brand XYZ ... " 

What I will state unequivocally is that it is fun as hell. Whether you build better than a particular store brand or not. Every audiophile should do this at least once in their hobby lifetime.  You don't have to build "the best" or even expensive to have fun and feel like the journey was worthwhile.


I picked up my NADA cabinets from Lee Taylor yesterday . Spent this morning and afternoon building them . Now I am listening to them with amazement . They are magical with my VTL-100 . In my system they sit on top of a couple of REL Subs with 2 more in the back of the room a distributed bass system . The kit was not cheap but sometimes you pay you get . After break in and some more adjustments good things expected .
eigendr : 

Glad you are happy with them. :) 

Not sure why you are calling them expensive though, you have spent a fraction of the cost of what they would cost in a store. With the usual 10:1 driver markup, those would be $15k speakers.  You spent around $3k including cabinets. 
