Upgrade my power conditioner?

Hi Audiogon Nation,

I'm presently running with a Shunyata Hydra Talos in my system with a Shunyata Zitron Alpha HC power cable connecting it to a Shunyata ZR1 outlet.  

I've heard that the Shunyata Denali 6000S is a great piece and would be an upgrade to the Talos.  Not sure I am looking to fix anything.  This is more of a curiosity.  

While considering the Denali, I'm also looking at a PS Audio DirectStream P12.  The P12 is a different animal.  I can get one for less ($$$) than the Denali by about $500.

Any body try out one or both of these?  

Thoughts on sound?  

Thanks and kind regards,
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@shoe congratulations! If you cannot hear the differences, then perhaps you have perfect power delivery to your home.
For jasonsim. you might add a good duplex outlet in the wall to your conditioner. I own a Furman REF20i and a PS Audio P600. I recently have been upgrading the AC duplex. and the #1 place to start is the one in the wall.
I recently upgraded from a PS Audion P10 to P15 and immediately noticed improved bass, better detail and a bit of smoother sound from both of my DACs.
If the P15 is too big a beast for you, I suspect the P12 has the same level of technological improvement compared to the P5 it replaced.