Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
One of the major topics of discussion on this forum is the objective versus subjective debate as regards the efficacy of all manner of tweaks and system adjustments. The lines are well drawn on this issue. For me, listening and enjoying music is an event involving my ears and brain not a mechanical measuring device.

I am on Day 14 of my one Omega E- Mat being installed on the upper half of my electrical service door. The positive impact that Mat has had on my audio system and video screens is obvious and undeniable. I have no idea what is in that Mat and how or why it does what it does.

I should be receiving more amazing Mats today or tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what impact a second Mat in the lower half of my service door will yield. I’m already to the point with my 65" UHD screen and 52" HD screen where I will need to adjust the video parameters as the impact of the Mat has increased the brightness and color saturation almost to the point of having it set to "vivid". The resolution of the screens is astonishing. You really haven’t seen what a UHD screen is capable of until you have had your electrical service subjected to an Omega E-Mat.

What about the E-Mat’s effect on audio? Higher resolution. Deeper, higher, wider soundstage. Much greater dynamic swing. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Wondering what the additional benefits of more Mats will be...🤔🙂

You should try the TC.  For $300 it is probably a bigger improvement per $ than additional mats after the first on the electrical panel ... although I can imagine others differing on this.
I imagine someday Tim Mrock will have an interesting tale to tell about the R&D that led to both products!

Both the Total Contact and the Omega E Mats are incredible upgrades by themselves. Together, they do magic. Will they have that effect in all systems? To be fair, the jury is still out on that issue. So far though, the vast majority are coming back with reports like hifiman5 made above. And, that’s just from installing one Omega E Mat in his circuit breaker box.

If you are considering buying Omega E Mats, be aware that initially they may degrade the sound somewhat. I had that experience with the one I recently put under the power conditioner. There was less presence, less like live music. The next morning it hit the WOW factor. So, I guess what I’m saying is to have patience with the Mats ... and the TC too for that matter. As some have stated, in some systems, the Omega E Mats take up to three weeks to sound their best. They just seem to keep improving. Install them ... and then just leave them alone.
