Which Nakamichi to choose?

I have the opportunity to get a very good Nak Cassettedeck 1 or a DR-2. Which one would you choose? And why?
Thanks for giving a newbie some valuable advice.
I had a CR 7 and a TD 700 for car that gave me a lot of satisfaction; the CR7 sold it years ago because I had not used the cassettes for a long time, it was still new with all the bundle supplied.
I made a buyer happy.

I could choose a tape deck now I would buy Naka again but prices have skyrocketed, an exaggeration.
I still have my (prized) Nakamichi TD-700 mobile unit. It needs service. Can anybody here recommend where I should send it? I hope at some point to install it in a vehicle.
I still have my (prized) Nakamichi TD-700 mobile unit.

I also kept the TD 700 bought over 30 years ago and revised in 2005 to put on sale on ebay, but I did not have the strength to do it and is still with me, I'll have to decide to do it sooner or later.
There is definitely a strong element of nostalgia in playing tapes, though I myself have never stopped playing them.
I used to have LX-3 for about a year. It broke, and instead of having it fixed I decided to get 682ZX and keep it forever. It's been 18 years since.
Long live tapes!!! A funny YouTube video is one where they give some 7-8 year old kids a Sony cassette walkman to operate. They are so lost.