Best USB DAC for under $1000


I'm looking to find a usb DAC for under $1000 that accepts 24/192khz files and was considering purchasing a Schiit Audio Gungnir USB Balanced DAC. How good is the Gungnir for the money?
if you have a few of the DACs you can bring them to one store and listen to them. Also, most stores will let you bring them home for a bit to hear them in YOUR system. I usually do that unless I know the store's system really good.
The Peachtree is a great way to go.
If you can stretch it a little bit, you might check out the BMC PureDAC.
The good news is, 14 years ago there was a huge disparity in DA performance. Now the playing field is largely even, and a $1,000 unit is better than the earliest $10,000 unit :)
Ifi Audio iDSD Mini will be about $1K.

The new and beautiful looking Marantz HDac1 (?) is $800.