Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?

Thoughts and feedback on the New Insider Lobby?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
I have looked it up, its seems a similar system to ROON where you pay someone to help you in your hobby. If I was a roll over winner of the lottery I would try it, (tip money) otherwise the benefits of the ’Insider’ don’t make any sense to me, but maybe a good way of making money with the gullible?
I’d pay some people not to post.

>>>>I’m still thinking about the concept. 🤔
I say Audiogon, just do it and see the response akin to the porthole pictures that the marketing gurus came up with. Can you imagine Amazon doing that?

Can you say nosedive?
I think you are correct, the response will be dismal i am afraid.
Says he who just blew a whopping $10...

Oh wait, they gave me a 50% of any listing code which could be worth a LOT more than my paltry $10.

Oh wait some more, I guess Audigon needs to have people who are actually buying items from their classifieds for that to be of any value.

Ah well still only $10, or for some folks less than two morning coffees at Starf@#$s
Yeah, but that icon by your moniker is really cool. 
Maybe it’s a bargain at $10. 
Or not..........