Preamp break-in

I just got my CJ PV11 recapped  with Teflon caps.  My question is: do they need break-in?
 If so, does it require that music be playing or just leaving the unit on without music playing?
Solid state gear need minimum 24 hrs standby to appreciate it. Older units do not have that option, newer one's do.
Teflon caps will require a long, several week long time to fully break in. I suggest not worrying about it. just use it. eventually it will sound better than it did when you got it back.         
My stereo is still breaking in the new duplex outlets. So what. I just listen to it. not special anything.
The teflon caps will need burn-in time.  Play music through the PV-11 to allow the new capacitors to burn-in.  A fine preamp.  Enjoy!
I had a CJ ET3-SE and it took about 200 hours to break in the teflon caps. Have fun w/your CJ.
Thank you for the responses.
 I’m happy with the improvement with the caps already.
 I can only imagine how much better it will be after break-in!