What do you LIKE BEST about your current audio system?

Straightforward.. What do you like the most about your current audio setup? Particulars welcome. Name names of brands. Stuff about the room good too!(I will also, but not in the lead out)       
Also, maybe, things you still dislike, if any?
I’ve always been about the midrange first- if that sounds artificial, grainy or processed, the rest doesn’t matter. I started "serious" hi-fi listening (as opposed to just bombastic stuff) with a pair of old Quad ESLs in 1973, using tube amps.
In around 2006-7 I revisited what I wanted; I had upgraded the Quads to the Crosby modded Quad and commensurately better tubed electronics-- the Crosby Quad was a better all around speaker but in my estimation, not quite as see-thru as the original. I chose to go with horns and SET amps.
I get the immediacy and clarity that I enjoyed with the Quads, with better dynamics; there is something about those SET amps with very high efficiency speakers that can not only give you an ’in the room’ quality but a spooky absence of electronic artifacts. This system can play loud if necessary, but it’s more about the dynamics.
Shortcomings: discontinuity with dynamic woofers- I have addressed that by positioning and by adding additional woofers; the system can still sound ’thin’ on some material. I tend to listen to a lot of ’non-audiophile’ records and the quality of the source material varies widely.
I’ve only introduced digital into my system in the last couple months-- and using a good transport and NOS DAC, as well as a modest computer based system, am pretty pleased with the lack of artificiality from CDs and digital files.
It’s still a commitment to listen to though; letting everything warm up, it is in a dedicated room and is not a casual background listening system. I did have the old Quads restored and they are now set up in a second vintage system--despite their considerable limitations, they are so yummy to listen to, it makes you wonder how far we have really come in 60 years.
Like Elizabeth, I am also retired and listen to my systems 8-10 hours a day.  When I first retired, I went on a big buying spree, upgrading my 2 systems with used McIntosh equipment and brand new speakers for one of the systems.    I love both of my systems, but it's the main one that really gives me goosebumps.  My secondary system is used while I am web surfing and I listen to FM 80% of the time.  I am ecstatic with both systems and have no  need to change anything.  I am now concentrating on researching new music.  The best part is both systems are fully paid for.
The openness, smoothness of texture without loss of detail, the evenness of frequency response and hearing all that a particular recording can offer.

Biggest recent improvement that has enabled me to get there?  Perfect Path Technologies Omega E- Mats.  Two Mats in my electrical service and one under my power regenerator.  Transformative in a revolutionary way. It is as if all restrictions have been vanquished from the system.  Music just dances out of the speakers. Bonuses...you ought to see the picture on my premium series Vizio P65 C-1 screen.  Un-frickin' believable!  On a UHD broadcast, there is a real perception of three dimensionality to the picture.

 Do I know how the E-Mats do what they do?  Nope. I just care that they do what they do and that they do it all the time.  No bad times of day to watch or listen! Every once in a long while you find the thing that....
The richness of sound and they naturalness of tone and how good jazz sounds on my system.  And the fact that through a combination of luck and good advice I've assembled components that work great together and collectively punch well above their weight.
dynamics, weight, detail, clarity, speed...

I've got massive horns in a room large enough for them.

I couldn't be happier.