totem arro

I'm considering some arros and I was looking for some feedback from people who have experience with them. What kind of music are the good at reproducing? What kind of amps work best? I hear they are best in small rooms. Whats the maximum room size they excel in? Thanks in advance for helping me out!
rebbi, i like the speakers you mention also, but how can you downgrade a speaker that you never heard broken in ? i have owned two different pair of arro and you are correct, as totem suggest, give them some time. They are incredible broken in, too bad you got rid of them so soon. dwhitt
I purchased a pair for my father, and he likes them a lot. My mother also likes how small they are :)

I thought they have a very nice sound, although a bit lean on the low end. Seemed very balanced and a great all-around speaker.

If I ever need something for a small room, they're my first choice.

I admit that I am not the best judge of the Arros due to the relatively short time I had them, while acknowledging their many fine qualities. I just fell in love with the Ohm sound and presentation. The presentation of the Totems sounded flat by comparison. But it's a matter of taste, room interactions, associated equipment, and so on.
02-19-09: Rebbi
I admit that I am not the best judge of the Arros due to the relatively short time I had them, while acknowledging their many fine qualities.

Yet, despite admitting you never put the requisite hours on them to break them in, and despite admitting in other threads you never had the time to set them up properly, you continue to comment about how you didn't care for them, and ultimately sold them.

Doesn't seem quite right to judge the speakers based on your insufficient time with them, wouldn't you agree?