Retip for zyx

I have an airy3 that is about 5 years old. Zyx does not have a retip, you get a new cartridge for a discount. Has anyone had a zyx retipped and how did you make out?

This is an old thread so my post was based on experience with

Axel Schurholz but without any experience with ZYX kinds.

I now own ZYX Airy and, say, know what I am talking about.

The cantilever/stylus construction by ZYX is different in

comparison with all other carts. On the ''nose'' of the (boron)

cantilever one can see an small tube in which the stylus is

fastened. There is obviously no hole in the cantilever in which

a new stylus can be fitted. So the only option is to exchange

the whole cantilever/stylus combo. This retip kind will cost about

$500. The stylus (alone) retip about $200 (180 GBP by Expert

stylus UK). As is mentioned elsewhere stylus alone retip is

the least problematic. But, according to me, not possible by ZYX.

This is original ZYX cantilever with original MicroRidge stylus tip. 
No one can do the same, re-tipped or re-cantilevered ZYX is no longer ZYX cartridge, but some sort of hybrid with different sound. 

Dear chakstr, As we usually say : ''it depends..''. In present

case it depends from what you mean by ''No one can do the

same''? Identity relation is pretty complex. ''Relation'' imply

at least two objects. But Wittgenstein stated:  '' for two objects

to state that they are identical make no sense and to say that

every object is identical with itself says nothing''. One can

actually state that two ZYX carts are not identical but, hopeful

''equal''. Something like two eggs. I have no idea how two eggs

sound but two ZYX Airy should sound ''equal''. Shame that

postage to Russian Federation is so expensive. Otherwise I

would post my ZYX , retipped by Axel,  to you so you could do

the comaprison. Apriori statements like this may impress

Kantians but not Fregean kinds of persons (grin).

@nandric "the same" is what on the picture, "the hybrid" is what you have from Axel. I believe you have not even tried the original ZYX (did you?), what you have is not a ZYX, but no doubt that it’s still an MC cartridge that you can use, maybe you like it, but i know it’s not your favorite cartridge anyway.

I don’t use ZYX cartridges anymore for practical reason, i just don’t want to buy new ZYX cartridge almost for 60-70% of full price each time the stylus is expired. I have better cartridges than my ex Zyx Airy III and Zyx Premium 4D (but 5 times cheaper rare vintage MM and some MC).

What i know for sure is that my re-cantilevered (by Axel) cartridges are not equal to the original cartridges (same model). I’ve had at least 4 carts refurbished by Axel long time ago for previous owner, they were OK only until i’ve managed to buy an original. Then i realized the original is superior, completely different sound. It was Technics top of the line carts.

Why do i have to believe that refurbished ZYX with different cantilever, different stylus is equal to the original ZYX made by Nakatsuka-San?

For me it’s obvious that they are not equal, especially after i’ve tried and compared 4 samples of Axel work to the original Technics. So i don’t like the idea at all, but it’s just me (i am using only original cartridges so far).

Dear chakster, Comparing retips of MM carts with MC carts is

like comparing apples with pears. By MC carts the cantilever/stylus

combo is glued in the called ''joint pipe'' . Usually aluminum tube.

The joint pipe can be also called the moving part of the MC cart.

This part consist of cantilever /stylus and coils and is connected

with the generator by tension wire. The ''rubber ring'' or the

suspension is fastened on the generator . Aka behind the moving

part. There is not much difference between boron cantilevers and

all those variations (copies) of shibata stylus shape. Because of

the patent issues those have different names. In my metaphoric

description they look as one egg to the other. One can hardly

see any difference . Considering the fact that those cantilever/

styli combos are provided by the same producer(s) to the

retippers as well the (cart) producers it is not reasonable to

assume different ''animals''. I retipped just one of my MM

carts. When I have seen how this is done I have never again

retipped any of my MM carts. The new cantilever is glued on

the restant or cut off old cantilever. Besides those MM carts

with tension wire can't be fixed by any retipper. Not to mention

the suspension by such carts. I have had many disputes with

you about those ''details''. I think that I have more experience

then you in this ,uh, ''field''.