Spendor D7 vs. Spendor A7

I recently listened to a pair of Spendor D7 speakers and was very impressed by them.  Has anyone heard them and compared them to the Spendor A7?  Unfortunately, I am not able to hear them at the same time.  Talking to a dealer over the phone, he said they sound very different.  Any relevant opinions will be appreciated.  
Thank you.
@milpai  or @drrsutliff 

The consensus is that the Spendor D series is better than the Spendor A7.  In a small room, 13X11, would the D7 be okay or would the bass be too much for the room?  Since my last post, I did hear the A7 in my house and the bass was fine and not excessive.  I worry the D7 with its two woofers will produce too much bass.
I have heard the A7 and was impressed with the amount of bass it could produce. The D7 has one bass driver and one that does bass and midrange (2 1/2 way).  I have a 14 x 15 room with the D9 with it’s two true bass divers and it almost exceeds my room’s abilities but I do have a lot of room treatments. The D7 will have a more refined presentation than the A7.
The D7 would be better suited to your room. You will be thoroughly disappointed with the D9 in a 13X11 room. If you can "pull" the D7s in the room, say about 36" from back wall and 18"-24" from side walls, you should have amazing music.
Like @drrsutliff mentioned, the D9 will either overwhelm the room, or the bass waves will cancel out and kill your musicality.