Pass labs xa25 amp and BW 804 d3?

Can the Pass labs xa25 drive BW 804 d3's?
The X250 isn’t even a class A amp. It’s a high bias class AB amp with a single ended bias of 20 watts. 
Contrast that with the XA25 with it’s 50 watt class A envelope. That’s a plenty of amp for most people.
Macguy said his meter indicates the amplifier remains in "class A operation". So the first 20 watts of the x250 is bias in class A (bias set  at 0.8 for this model per the Nelson Pass article). At his listening levels the Vandersteen speakers aren’t demanding of more than these first 20 watts. I suspect that very often not more than a few watts are utilized at easonable listening levels.
Exactly. That's my point. Folks really don't seem to have a grip on the scale of power they're really using, then go buy massive triple digit amps because they heard somebody talking about "headroom". As one reviewer of the F5 put it, if you're speakers need more power than the F5 puts out, they're just poorly designed speakers. 
I do understand the desire/concern of many listeners in regard to "headroom" availability for demanding musical peaks and the fear of having insufficient ’juice ’ on hand. This is a common topic in audio forums. I do think that to some extend it gets blown out of proportion. I do not agree with the popular audiophile axioms, "the more power the better" or "enough power is never enough".

I’ve read (more than a few) testimonials on various forums from those who drive their 100 db> horn speakers with 200- 300 watt amplifiers so that they "never run out of headroom" regardless of volume or music genre demands. So without any doubt there are those who have different perspectives and experiences. Speakers of this type can provide reasonable SPLs (65- 75 db C weighted) with only 1/20- 1/100 (0.05 to 0.01) of 1 watt