driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations?

I am considering driving these speakers with a high quality integrated amp such as the Luxman 590A11 (pure class A, 30 wpc) or the Luxman 509u (class AB, 120 wpc).

Has anyone been happy with Luxman or other integrated amps such as Pass etc driving the Parsifal Ovations?



If you are not on a budget you might give a try to Nagra VPA monos 845 tube amplifiers, 50 WPC of pure class A i guess.
The OVATIONS may be harder to drive than they seems to extract the fullness of the spectrum, i use mine with success with LAMM M 2.2 hybrid design of 220 WPC getting nearly 40 WPC of pure class A at low volume.
It also depend the size of your room and your listening volume.
I heard LUXMAN amplifiers at Montreal show and they really deserve one of the best sounding amp (warm sounding). Parsifal could tend to be on the analytical side....depending on the matching amp and pre amp.
I would go for tubes design or at least PURE CLASS A DESIGN !!!!
I own the Parsifal Encores and have only used one amp with them - Jungson JA-200 200wpc pure class A monoblocks. This appears to work very well. Only reason I am chiming in is that in my experience, I need every single one of those 200watts to drive the P/E. If I crank up to about 100db my amp is playing at 80-90% output, so I don't quite see how any of these low powered amps could drive the P/E or P/O to high volumes.
"I need every single one of those 200watts to drive the P/E. If I crank up to about 100db my amp is playing at 80-90% output, so I don't quite see how any of these low powered amps could drive the P/E or P/O to high volumes."

***Agree w/ Edorr for the most part. I had the PE's w/ the CJ Premier 8A, Accuphase A50V, and Tenor 75WI. I had brief audtions of both an Art Audio Jota and Air Tight ATM-2 w/ the P/E's as well. The AA Jota, totally anemic, not even close. The ATM-2, borderline, tight bass, almost the best of tubes and solid state. Ultimately I could see it being adequate for most. The Tenor was the best sounding for the most part. It has that reach out and touch, holographic sound. Really quite special. It did not grab hold of that woofer though, and bass was not great. Just a great amp, but needed an 8ohm speaker.... The CJ 8A had the juice, but in it's original form was still loose and wooley in the bass. The Accuphase stereo amp was the only one that there weren't any doubts. It controlled that 4ohm woofer w/ an iron fist. of course I stayed w/ the 8A over the A50V. At the end of the day, I always go w/ tubes. Bottom line is feed the Parsifal w/ at least a good medium powered tube amp. Think mono's w/ 4 output tubes per side. Running those ATM-2's in mono would have been real interesting. All this of course IMHO.