Do McIntosh dealers give discount on new models?

I am looking to buy the MC1.25KW monoblock paired with the C1100 pre-amp to drive my new B&W 800D3 speakers. I am looking to buy this in Hong Kong. The price the dealer is quoting me is coming to be more expensive give than what I can see is the US retail price for this combo of McIntoshs. Two questions:

1. Does this pairing sound ok? I cannot demo the McIntosh's with the B&Ws as they do not have a common dealer in HK
2. Should I be pushing the dealer for a bigger discount?

Thanks in advance.
It’s been nine months since purchased and my office system sounds better than I ever imagined; dead quiet, great low end, natural sounding mids, and highs from heaven. I am ecstatic with the synergies. I can’t imagine you not being extremely pleased with your choice. 
MC C-47
Oppo UDP-205
B&W 805d3
I bought the Mc MX 160 with 10% discount and the Mc MC452 with 25% discount. 10% discount is minimum for most Mc items.