Are many audiophiles only seeking approval of the next purchase?

I find a good num of forum posts to be in this realm.  Facts ignored only posts that agree are considered of worth. 
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When I visit audiophile friends many have just made a purchase. They will ask me what I think after a brief listen. What can you say but thats great good buy to say otherwise is hurtful. In forums many are seeking consensus since they want to do something and are seeking agreement that its OK to do so. Consensus is how you get lite beer to be the best selling and most consumed. All of humanity is not at the same level of experance or education. If I seek consensus the inexperance or highly biased has as much sway as the expert. 
Yes. Absolutely. Some folks take decades to discover what some already know here. Many folks never get further than their comfort zone. Some kick themselves when it finally dawns on them that equipment selected by leading artists, top sound engineers and multimillion $ facilities have merit far beyond what you generally find peddled to domestic consumers.
I also find when a person asks what others think, often it is really to confirm what they want. And not to actually get other's input that differs. So I am yes it can be confirmation. Which is not bad, really.Look at the black goo thread, apparently 5700 happy users? when they only have sold 200 bottles? LOL
Often I get the impression that many are looking for validation of a purchase they've already made. I've seen posts where people are hammering on some reviewer wanting to know when they were going to review the ABC Combo Dac and coffee maker. They swear it is the best ever and the best they have ever owned and when, darnit, when are you going to review it? My feeling has always been, why do you care, you've already bought it.....UNLESS....they are a shill! LOL