GaN-based Class D power amps

The use of GaN-based power transistor tech is now emerging for Class D audio power amplifiers. Seems appropriate to devote a forum thread to this topic. At least 3 companies have commercial class D amps in their books:

Merrill Audio, with their model Element 118 ($36k per monoblock, 400 W into 8 ohms, 800W into 4 ohms), Element 116 ($22k per monoblock, 300 W into 8 ohms, 600W into 4 ohms) and Element 114 (coming soon).

Review of Element 118 at this link:

ADG Productions, with their Vivace Class D amp ($15k per monoblock pair, 100W into 4 ohms). (The designer emailed me indicating he has another product in the pipeline.)
Review of the Vivace Class D moniblocks at this link (warning: link might not work (1/11/2019)):

Technics SE-R1 Class D stereo amp ($17k per stereo amp, 150WPC into 8 ohms, 300WPC into 4 ohms)
Preliminary review of the Technics SE-R1 at this link:
Technics also has a lower priced GaN-based class D integrated amp in their catalog:

Anyone listened to or own any of these amps?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcelander
I thought it was a taboo to use negative feedback in a class D design.

Nope, it’s inherent in a lot of Class D. It doesn’t work quite the same way though. Some uses local feedback, which does not include the output, and some do.

Feedback and a triangle wave oscillator is how the analog input is converted to PWM output.
Erik, I agree negative feedback is used in a lot of class D designs. But I guess this particular amp is not a class D amp. Not saying it isn't a great AB amp (or whatever it is), just does not seem to fit into this thread's focus.
Nope, it’s inherent in a lot of Class D. It doesn’t work quite the same way though. Some uses local feedback, which does not include the output, and some do.

Feedback and a triangle wave oscillator is how the analog input is converted to PWM output.

Class D does not have to use feedback.

PWM (pulse width modulation) does not use any feedback at all.

In a switching amplifier you have something called 'propagation delay'. This is a time delay caused by the fact that it takes a while for a device to switch on or off. Put a number of devices one after the other and there can be a quite measurable delay from input to output.

For this reason NFB taken from the output and applied to the input will always be slightly out of sync with the signal its supposed to correct. For this reason it will add distortion of its own. Fortunately class D amps don't have to use feedback to have low distortion.

Ok, time for me to clean up some ignorant commentary expressed in one of my posts on this page. The Lyngdorf amp is a class D amp, but not one that includes GaN-FET transistors (+1, bulldogger). The amp might be a modified Bruno Putzeys’ design using variants of his Hypex Ncore modules (+1, GeorgeHiFi) with judicious use of NFB across the audio frequency spectrum. Bruno Putzeys is the person I believe Lyngdorf mentioned in his FB post. By searching "Bruno Putzeys," I discovered he is also the designer behind a class D monoblock called Mola Mola Kaluga. At $16k per monoblock pair, it was said to be competitive price-wise and sonically with the best amps out there.

Some reviews are here:

It remains to be seen whether Bruno will migrate to GaN-FET tech class D designs, but this amp isn’t one of them. It will be interesting to A/B this class D design against the best sounding GaN-FET class D amps out there (whatever that may be).