Downsizing and child proofing

It seemed inevitable, and it has come to pass. My Linkwitz Orion's have been deemed "unsafe" and are to be banished to storage for the next two rambunctious toddle years (quite honestly there i nothing i would not happily give up).
But this does leave the question of what in the interim to replace the Orion's with.
The speakers need to be wall mount monitors and will be driven by my current gear (Bel Canto Pre and ATI 6012 amp).
Any recommendations for diminutive, clean (modern looking) wall mount monitors that produce crisp quick sound?
Budget? w/o that, a couple I would suggest are
Sequerra Met 7s and Merlin TSMs or even for clean, quick and diminutive, NHT Super Zeros w a sub.
first-time mothers often invent paranoid fears, which no amount of rational argument can affect, but other than putting on tube cages and making terminals inaccessible, the idea that a stereo needs to be "child proofed" is absurd. It's just a silly marketing claim for used gear.
Loydc, I couldn't disagree more.