Downsizing and child proofing

It seemed inevitable, and it has come to pass. My Linkwitz Orion's have been deemed "unsafe" and are to be banished to storage for the next two rambunctious toddle years (quite honestly there i nothing i would not happily give up).
But this does leave the question of what in the interim to replace the Orion's with.
The speakers need to be wall mount monitors and will be driven by my current gear (Bel Canto Pre and ATI 6012 amp).
Any recommendations for diminutive, clean (modern looking) wall mount monitors that produce crisp quick sound?
After looking at the pictures of your systems, the Gallo Reference Strada's will fit in perfectly. They match your decor and are able to be mounted on a wall. I have a pair in my office mounted up on the wall. I drive them with a pair of Red Dragon Amp-1's (think Bel Canto M-300). Source in loss-less files on my computer to a MHDT Labs Constantine DAC. The bottom end is filled in with a 7.75" squared (6.5" driver) custom sub. They sound really good; not as good as my Martin Logan Summit X, but damn good for the price.
Lloydc, you obviously don't have kids! Besides the safety issue of learning to walk by holding on to objects in the room, there are other issues here. My daughter out of the blue one day decided to push all of the dust caps in. She learned and never did it again but....
I've also seen kids with crayons have a field day on speakers.
Well, this is getting a bit off topic, but as a father of young children, I agree with Lloydc that the idea of child proofing is often taken way too far. It is a balancing act between common-sense child proofing, adequate supervision and parenting, and teaching your child to use your system appropriately-encouraging them to explore and learn to love music. Yes, I did replace my monitors and stands with floorstanders (and secured the grill to the baffle) when I oldest started to stand-walk.. and kept my system in a child proof cabinet (or out of reach) until the kids were old enough (3) to learn how to use it. But if possible, all the changes I made always focused on system upgrade at the same time (nice excuse :-) ).
Vienna Schoenberg wall mounted w/subs of your choice.
Currently doing yeoman's work in my HT room. Maybe not great speakers, but very good.

I use the Gallo Stradas (as previously mentioned) and the Sunfire XT series when faced with going from floor to wall.

Be aware the sonic will be considerably different than Linkwitz.