Upgrading from Martin Logan SL3s

I am thinking of maybe replacing my Martin Logan SL3s. I have had them since 1997 and wondering if it is time to upgrade. If you had Martin Logan speakers and upgraded, to what did you upgrade? Maggie's and Vandersteen's are not really an option for me. The rest of my system is

ARC Ref 110
ARC LS25 mk2

Alright, alright, alright!! I got it. Give it a rest will ya? My eyes are old and I can't see so well either. I vow not to contribute anything else in ALL CAPITALS. Are we good now? Can we all just get along...and move along to more important matters...like talking about this wonderful hobby we are all so passionate about. All this wasted pissing and moaning over something so petty is making me loose interest too! Jeez.
Yes I have heard the SR. Like the VR4 on steroids...better everything but similiar in many ways to what I have now.....very deep bass, expansive soundstaging and ribbon tweeter open top end....don't know the power requirements of the SR but like the 99 since it takes only a few watts to power allowing me to avoid beefy SS amps which I needed to make the SL3's go....I'd sell them and move on...you have good gear.

Thanks to everyone that replied.

Martinmobile, I really like what ARC has done with the 6H30 tube. I heard the Ref 110 and knew that was the amp for me. I had both an ARC V70 and VT100 MK3 but the Ref 110 was just better in every way. In the past few years I have sold all my extra gear and really upgraded my system. The SL3s are really the only thing left from my old system. I believe my Audio Research dealer also carries Usher speakers so I will definitely give them a listen. The MBL speakers are just gorgeous but way out of my price range even used.

Larryken, I like the idea of a ribbon tweeter. I owned Apogee Slant 6's for a while. I found a couple of reviews on the web and the recommended power for the VR 4SR is between 50 an 300 watts. That should not be a problem for the Ref 110. I sent their distributor an email to see if their is a dealer near me.
I went from ReQuests to Summits.

It was a nice step up with improved and deeper bass as well improved intergration. The Summits will still give you that wonderful stat stage and detail.

At some of the used prices I feel they would be a real score.
Having owned virtually every ML speaker during the time frame you've owned the SL3's, 1995-present, I'd suggest you're so accustomed to the ML signature sound it's tough leaving ML and finding pleasing performance in a traditional 3 way design. I've tried it for years, and the closest I've come to that lush electrostatic heaven was delivered via a single driver design matched to a small 300 B SET amp.

I'd heartily 2nd the earlier suggestion of moving on to newer Logans. Vista's, Vantages, and Summits will bring you a fresh performance and be a step up from the SL3's.

To those who've not experienced integrated bass with ML's that's never been an issue with my CLS's, Requests, or SL3's. Any decent sub properly dialed in at the right crossover point has never had me longing for something different from a traditional speaker design...in fact the trade off to be had by leaving the ML sound completely is too large a trade off, for as I suggested, once electrostatic never back...although I always have several different types of speakers and amplifiers on hand, therefore I choose not to have to live without them...bottom line, once that lush midrange is in your ears it's an uphill battle for a traditional speaker to compete with...but certainly if one has enough money they can in theory perhaps find something better...but at the price point for a pair of SL3's upgraded w/fresh new panels, or used Vantages commonly found now at $2500, I don't personally know of anything that will deliver the sonic goods at that price point that will be nearly as satisfying.