great bookshelf speakers vs 12-18 k floor speakers

Just something i never considered, if you have a rather small room 13x20 with less tha perfect accoustics (Glass walls),high-rise. Anyway, i have always had tower speakers, currently Paradigm S8's v1. I have never explored smaller speakers, the so called bookshelf. Can i buy smaller speakers and still get the full range and soundstage that i get from the floor speakers? What would you consider as the best... especially when you don't have a large room. I don't always compare by price although you'd think a 15,000 set of speakers should be all around better a than a 5,000 set of bookshelfs? I have 180 Rouge Audio monoblocks, Rouge 90 pre amp, Ayon c-2 CD, Shenada Hydra 8 and much better than mid range cables.
Dynaudio C-1, Sonus faber Cremona Auditor Ms OR Guarneri Momento. These are some of the better monitors around. Perfect for a room your size.
As a Rogue and Joseph Audio dealer, you should add the Joseph Pulsar to your list.

While I would not call 13x20 exactly small, I think you may be surprised at how well a good monitor could work.
Linn Akurate 212 Speakers:
In my experience both Focal and Sonus Faber make great sounding monitor's in the upper ranges of their model lines and will rival some floor standers with their bass & high frequency extension.

Bookshelf speakers are visually smaller but the facts are that with appropriate stands, the footprint is similar. With that disclaimer, a good pair of monitors, depending on your placement options, can be easier to integrate with your room. If you are a bass nut, you could supplement with a sub, enabling you to integrate the sub into the room properly and blending with the monitors. I think we've all experienced speaker placement issues where the soundstage and bass response were not in the same place....

To answer your original query, some awesome monitors in no particular order, all of which have a healthy bass response:
Dynaudio C1
Focal JMLabs Diablo
Wilson Audio Duettes (disclaimer, I own these)
Vienna the Kiss
There are others....go to a shop and listen.

Good luck