Any high WAF speaker with ATC sound?

Hi everyone!

I bought my very first place, and need an upgrade, but there is a lack of dealers in MD.

Before I get started, I love the SCM20 sound, and I actually dont mind the way it looks. But I know for a fact it would not be able to fill up a large space. Therefore looking for a larger speaker. I was thinking of the SCM100, but they do not mate well to my modern furniture.

Now, I don't have a wife (thank God, I am only 25), but the place will be my personal bachelor pad, and i want it to look modern and clean. The living room is about 18x27. Speakers will be on the short wall. Budge is under 6K, I can stretch it a bit, but rather not. The lower the price the better, and used of course! Inefficient speakers are welcome!

Stick with the ATCs. They may not be high on WAF levels but sound pretty incredible. The ATCs are the least colored speakers when compared to many exotic designs out there, and I believe it will be difficult to find another speaker that can surpass the level of performance from a well set-up SCM20s. ATC usually have a very loyal following as most owners strive to improve their systems with upgrades and tweaks rather than looking at other speaker lines.
Although the S&K Nano monitors won't peel the paint off your walls Tim does mention that they are more than suitable for any room under 34x20 and I currently have a pair on order. I guess it all comes down to how hard you want to "rock the joint". Are yours done breaking in yet Chris?
Yes they have and sound great! The imaging is just so good with the S+K. No "head in vise" going on here. My wife noticed the imaging right off the bat. Her exact comments were "it sounds like he (Van Morrison) is in the room with us" and "those look really nice...maybe you should bring them up to the livingroom" (FAT CHANCE!) These comments came from her unsolicitated, and by the way that is the first time she has EVER had anything good to say about my system!
Very natural, well balanced with no phase anomolies that occur in box designs.
I don't want to hijack this thread so that is all for now. I will start a thread after I get my new DAC and will offer listening sessions to those who are interested.
Oh and my amp is an ATC SIA2-150.
Rodge and Metman, please feel free to talk about the NanoMonitors, I am quite intrigued by them. I would not mind them as a 2nd system in the near future.

BTW, how are the ATC SIA2 amplifiers? Do they run warm?
Kinn, You may want to consider the SK for your main system. As noted they won't peel your face off, but they do play loud enough to seriously get the message across. Don't be fooled by the spec's, everthing Tim Kroll writes in his site is true! Take some time and read the whole website. Tim is a very personable guy and will talk to you at lenght, on the phone, about his products. I first found his speakers here on the Gon when I was looking for a sub to augment my Lowther Medallion 2's. I called Tim and was able to set up an audition at a customers house here in NJ. After the first couple of minute's I knew that I wanted them. I wanted to see how well and low the bass would go and put on Flight Of The Cosmic Hippo by Bela Fleck. Wow! we were amased at the depth and clarity of all the bass notes(yes the NOTES)that came through the woffer monitor. Very deep and well defined with Bela plucking away on the banjo as if he were standing in front of us. During the song as Victor Wootens bass gets lower and lower my host jumped out of his chair, ran to the sub as if it were going to blow up. He turned to me with a huge grin as if he had found the Holy Grail of subs. Again don't let the specs fool you. The sub put's out a full and well defined signal at 30hz, not just a few db in either direction. Tim offers a full refund money back gaurantee if you are not satisfied. Well worth checking them out.
My room is 15 x 27 x 8.25, and I use two Woffer Monitors to pressurize the room properly. The sound got better as I removed a lot of the the room treatments. This is due to the proper phase being delivered by the Nano Monitors. The ATC SIA-150 is an integrated amp and runs moderatly hot during a session. It was one of the amps that Tim Kroll recommended that I buy. It has great tonal balance and can really let the music flow without any colorations. I'm very happy with it.
Hope this helps,