wadia 861 input output disabling

I have heard that Wadia 861 performance can be enhanced by disabling some of the inputs and outputs. Does anyone have experience with this? Can you detail the process?

I would pose that question to Steve Huntley at GNSC. If I recall, they actually remove them from the circuit or perhaps the whole IO board. As long as anything there is powered you're going to have at least some noise to deal with.
Thanks - I will try setting the corresponding switches. Aoliviero I see you have had your Wadia modded by GNS. Is the mod a huge improvement? I feel the image (mostly vocals) in my system is slightly fuzzy around the edges. I was thinking maybe the mod would take care of that. What do you think?
agree w/ Aoliviero - Wadia suggests there might be an improvement if the OUTPUTS (not the inputs) are disabled.
(couldnt do it my case as the bottom hex-head screws were jammed over time & broke the tip of my hex-head allen wrench when I exerted pressure)

re. "slighty fuzzy around the edges" - have you played around w/ the diff algorithms? which algo do you have it set on right now?

from my experience w/ the 861, I found that it responds well to several isolation tweaks such as damping the rack as a whole, isolating the 861 from the rack shelf, damping the chassis even more, using after-mkt cones & after-mkt power cord.
Re. the power cord - don't need to spend mega bucks on one. Get one that is correctly made by a manuf who knows what he's doing. Silver Audio, Virtual Dynamics (his down-mkt models) & Signal Cable come to mind.

after you do all this, see if the sound still remains "slighty fuzzy around the edges". The 861 is not plug-and-play. You will not get the best from it using this way.
Bombaywalla - I have player on BDR cones. I have not experimented with power cords and my manual does not mention the algorithms so I dont know how to change them.


I agree with Bombaywalla. Before you consider making an investment in GNSC upgrades make sure you first address isolation and power cords/conditioning.

That said, the GNSC Statement mod did greatly improve imaging and just about everything else. The player is now as immediate as the 861 stock, but a lot more clear, transparent, dynamic and natural sounding. My biggest issue wth the stock unit is that it sounded a little bright and sligtly closed in. The unit is pretty clear and open sounding now without any hardness or brightness.