wadia 861 input output disabling

I have heard that Wadia 861 performance can be enhanced by disabling some of the inputs and outputs. Does anyone have experience with this? Can you detail the process?

Bombaywalla - I have player on BDR cones. I have not experimented with power cords and my manual does not mention the algorithms so I dont know how to change them.


I agree with Bombaywalla. Before you consider making an investment in GNSC upgrades make sure you first address isolation and power cords/conditioning.

That said, the GNSC Statement mod did greatly improve imaging and just about everything else. The player is now as immediate as the 861 stock, but a lot more clear, transparent, dynamic and natural sounding. My biggest issue wth the stock unit is that it sounded a little bright and sligtly closed in. The unit is pretty clear and open sounding now without any hardness or brightness.
Braro, You might try a noise reduction power cord or power conditioner, if you don't have one or the other. Are you plugged directly into the wall? I have a Wadia 861se which has a Shunyata original Black Mamba attached to it. The Black Mamba is plugged into a Shunyata original Hydra. The 861se also is sitting on a set of Symposium rollerblocks which are on top of a Symposium Ultra platform. Isolation and after-market powercords helped the sound quite a bit. I also may go with a GNSC mod in about 6 months or a year. Everyone says that it brings the player to a new level. Best wishes. Stan

your manual does not mention how to switch the amongst Algorithm A, B & C???
It should!
(I did not mean to say that you can change the source code of the algorithm, just to be clear!)

However, if you repeatedly press the button labelled "return" or "enter", one of the choices you will get is the algorithm selection. The factory default is Algorithm A, which is Wadia's patented Digimaster. You can use the >>| or |<< arrows to cycle thru the 3 algorithms.

The GNSC options are good options but they are very expensive options. Definitely explore the isolation techniques - they will yield good results for you. I've got a very similar setup like Talon4's except I use a DIY symposium roller shelf.

Personally, I never liked the BDR cones neither the Mk3 nor the Mk4. I much rather use ceramic cones (not metal for the Wadia. it'll take the sound to the brittle side!) like Golden Sound DH cones. There are other ceramic cones on the market if you don't like DH cones. it was merely 1 suggestion.