best overall speakers at low volume?

Many reviews go on about how loud you can crank 'XYZ' speaker, but I listen at lower levels, appreciating the imaging, fullness of sound across the spectrum, dynamic range, shared sense of space, etc.

Anyone out there with suggestions?

I have vinyl and tube gear only. Price not relevant to this particular discussion, but later I will have to sort out the list based on my budget. Thanks for your thoughts!
I really enjoy how my Reference 3A de Capos sound at low volumes. I'm using tubes and vinyl also.
I agree with the Reference 3A de Cappos. I've had a pair in my system and compared them with my Triangle Comete ES and as far as low level listening, they were equal.
The Triangles are much more affordable and a little more focused. The bass on the 3A's had more fullness.
Well I have vinyl and tube gear and would urge you to try to listen to electrostatic speakers. The reQuests and my Summits are superb at low level resolution and retain the clarity and coherence at low volume. My friend's maggies were also nice at 80-90 db level. I think the dipoles help retain the "fill" at low volume.

I am historically a boom and tizz lad and upgraded and bought summits for higher volume and the better slam and headroom but they retain their strengths at low volume.

Try to audition some planars and stats and have fun.