Wilson Audio Sasha 2 & Avalon Indra

Do you think Wilson Audio Sasha 2 & Avalon Indra is the same level’s speaker?

And Wilson Audio Alexia is same level with Avalon Eidolons Diamond?
In my opinion they are very comparable loudspeakers in price only. From there, many differences emerge. Wilsons and Avalons sound quite different in my opinion. Wilsons have more robust bass and dynamics while Avalons throw a more realistic soundstage and are more musical to my ears.

But this is just my opinion, yours and others mileage may vary.
First of all the way how they build a stage is very different. The Avalon's stage is wider and deeper. Within the stage you do a less intimate individual focus of instruments and voices.

The Wilson give a less wide and deep stage ( even with the same cables and electronis. Within the stage the individual focus is more intimate. There are still other brands who can give a much more palpable stage compared to the Wilsons.

The most crazy thing is the difference in the overwhole sound. The Wilson have more power in the low freq. Also classical music sounds a lot different played on the Wilson compared to the Avalon.

They are both not easy to drive. The also created both acoustic limitations. The Wilson even more cause of the bigger dynamics.

Speakers are Always a personal taste, so you are the only one who can make a decision about which speaker you prefer.