Harry Pearson's comment on $600.00 Chinese CD

IN the latest TAS, HP makes a comment to a certain $600.00 Chinese CD Player which he is in the process of reviewing but sounds like it costs a lot more.

I am paraphrasing from memory.

Any ideas what CD player he is referenceing?

The old HP tease. Here's the very best you can get, except for something new I got and won't tell you about until you buy the next issue.
Remember the Gamut CD-1? The Lector? Now the Stibbert?

Wait a couple more issues- nirvana is right around the corner.

I like HP's writing, but I don't much care how things sound in Sea Cliff. The real deal is what YOU hear in YOUR system.
Funny I bought the Stibbert tube before I knew about his write up and he called that one right on the money in my opinion.Regards,Bob
Now you've done it, Krelldog, they're going to triple the price on it before we can get it!