DAC-AH - upgrade to Audio Mirror?

I'm using a DAC-AH with a Squeezebox (Placette pre, TAD-60 & Gallo 3s). It has a smooth, non-grainy sound but it seems congested and rhythmically blunt. I was wondering if the Audio Mirror DAC would be much of an upgrade, considering (if I'm not mistaken) that they share the same circuit board. (I have a Cary 306/200 but I don't expect the Audio Mirror to better the internal DAC -but one never knows)

Maybe, or maybe not. Personally I wouldn't fall for it though. Call me crazy but I think "Audio Mirror" is simply a "mirror" image of other products as their name implies (as to they have the last laugh, LOL).

However, to at least guarantee an upgrade, I'd get it modded. I think RAM (reference audio mods dot com ??)is doing mods for a reasonable price.

I have an Audio Mirror D1 DAC that I felt in stock form was fantastic and have since had it modified by TRL with exceptional results. You can read my review on it in the review section as I was able to do a A/B comparison between the modded and an extra stock version I had.
Have had a DAC-AH and a Audio Mirror D-1. Almost the same. The Audio Mirror, using a different output cap, merely sounded warmer. If warmth is what you need, it is good.

Thanks for your comments. More warmth is not what I'm looking for. I was hoping for more airness and less bluntness/congestion. The DAC-AH is a very nice sounding pre for its price. It does alot of what I was hoping it would do (reduce grain, tame brightness and thinness of Squeezebox).
