Magico, Aerial, Dali

I have my next speaker upgrade narrowed down to the Magico V2's, Aerial 7t's, and Dali Helicon 400 MK2's. The only problem is I haven't heard any of them in my own system consisting of ARC LS17SE pre, and Bryston 4Bsst2 amp. I can get the Magico's for a decent price but they're still more expensive than the other options and the dealer will not let me demo at home unless I pay him. I thought this was odd and kind of turned me off to this dealer in general. Seems like for that kind of money in this economy the dealer should be willing to let a serious buyer demo at home.
I heard the 7t's on ARC reference and Levinson amps and was very impressed. Hard not to be with those kind of components. The Dali's are less expensive and I heard them on much cheaper gear but they still sounded fabulous. The dealer has arranged a demo later this week. If I went that route I'd have some money left over to buy a phono pre. I currently have the Aerial 6's and like their sound but they're not enough speaker for my room and if I sell now I can get the same amount that I bought them for.
Does anyone have experience with these three speaker's and/or companies? I am looking for detail, transparency, and realism. Any suggestions? Are the Magico's worth the extra money? I know it comes down to subjective taste, but is there a consensus on what the strengths are of each of these speakers?
I read your review previously on Thank you for such an in depth and well written review of the 7t's. My jaw dropped when I read about your friend selling his recently purchased Q3's after hearing the Aerial's. I've heard the Q3's and was extremely impressed, although I do believe they're overpriced. Each time I heard the 7t's I had a "wow" moment with their transparency and detail but I really need to get them in my own room and hear what they do.
If your budget includes the Aerial 7t, you should also check out the Dali MS5, a significant improvement over the MS4.
My vote is for the Magico V2 solely based on one incredible dealer demo with my own LPs. At demo or used prices, I have not heard anything that I like more. Obviously I haven't heard everything and I'm not familiar with the Dali or Aerial models you mention, so mine is not an opinion based on a lot of experience.

I would forget that Magico dealer and buy it used on Audiogon or from some other dealer. You can't always hear a component in your own system, and it might be a mistake you will regret if you eliminate those from your options. The Magico will require lots of good clean power to sound its best and very careful set up.

I heard the V2 at a Boston dealership and it was the best dealer demo I've ever heard of a speaker in this price range.