A dilemma: Modern sound, Musical Bliss or both?


I'm in a crossroad between different audiophile paths.
I have heard many speakers in the $10-$20K range.
So far, I was most impressed by the following:
- Brodmann/Bosendorfer VC7
- Devore Orangutan O/96
- Avalon Indra

They can be divided into 2 sound categories:
1) The Brodmann VC7 & the Devore O/96 are not "accurate" speakers - they both sound extremely musical and "lack" the properties of modern sounding speakers (transparency, quietness and extreme dynamic abilities).
2) The Avalon Indra is a modern sounding speaker but I enjoyed listening to it very much - but it can sometimes be non-forgiving to recordings, although not as much as other high-end modern sounding speakers I've auditioned.

My dilemma is - will I be able to enjoy both worlds with the Indra and the right setup?
When I listen to the VC7 or the O/96 - I enjoy them very much - but after auditioning the Indra I found out that I am missing many recording/musical insights that I have not experienced with the VC7 or the O/96.

What would you do?
^^ true that.

I stopped doing any serious auditions upon hearing the Classic Audio Loudspeaker T-3. Easy to drive, full range, detail of ESLs, what's not to like? Plus 60 watts is enough to shake my whole house.
I'm not so sure its a true dilemma. Modern sound does not necessarily forgo musical bliss.

There is good modern sound and bad modern sound just like there is good and bad vintage sound.

So you can have your cake and eat it too but you gotta do the homework first.
Mlsstl I realy liked your description, sounds like the right way to analyze a system's sound signature.
I might have been a bit unclear, but I would easily live and highly enjoy any of my final contenders, so no need for further listening - believe me that the audition list was very long...

Thanks Johnnyb53, I've heard the SF Amati Futura, Elipsa and a Stradivari - and none of them impressed me enough to go to the next round.