Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?


I'd like to hear anyone's experiences with replacing their speaker spikes with the Stillpoint Ultra SS isolation/vibration control devices. I did a search and found a few related threads, but I would like to hear more. I want to try them under my Merlin VSM-M's, and yes I know Bobby will strongly disapprove...
BTW, if it matters, my speakers are on a carpeted suspended wood floor.
Yes, and on the Ultra SSs, where you need to unlock the hardhat, if you have them mounted on threads, you need to remember that when screw them up, you will also be screwing the hard hat down and tightening it. This is no issue for the Ultra Fives or the Ultra Minis.
Hifial, Tbg, Thanks for the helpful comments. I'll make the adjustments this weekend.
When used with the optional Ultra base, should the Ultra SS and Ultra 5 be tightly screwed into the base or unscrewed 1/4 turn(as is recommended when the Ultras are mounted directly into speakers)?

When attached directly to an MDF speaker and unscrewed 1/4 turn, be careful not to lift the speakers by grabbing onto the Stillpoints device. This can rip the threaded anchor out of the cabinet.

In response to OP, I compared Ultra 5, Ultra SS, and Star Sound Audiopoints to stock Merlin points in my modified VSM-MX. Both Stillpoints and Audiopoints surpass stock Merlin footers. The isolating Stillpoints do a particularly good job on carpeted surfaces, where conventional points can't get a solid footing to couple as designed. In addition, four Stillpoints surpass three in every application that I've tried.
Well, I loosened the Stillpoints a credit card thickness. I do believe their is a more relaxed sound. So thank you guys for this tip.
I thought that I would resurrect this excellent thread as I have been fortunate in having a full Stillpoints dealer demo case with me for a while.

For my part, this threw up some unexpected results given the recieved wisdom in respect to the Stillpoints line, in that in conjunction with Martin Logan anniversary CLX in a room sporting parquet wooden block flooring on joists I much preferred the Ultra SS threaded directly into the frame of the CLX over the Ultra 5's!

I felt that the (no doubt ) addition damping and de-coupling of the U5's tended to push the CLX's , over, the fine line that they , at times, tread with respect to ultra resolution, imparting an over clinical, almost lean presentation to well known test material , and not usually present in my system.
I found that I markedly preferred the SS's as they certainly performed very well as the technology was designed so to do, yet left the weight, tonality and texture to the body of the music intact (if not enhanced) which I was keen to preserve.