New Marantz SA11S2?

Can someone please describe the new Marantz SA11S2 sound for me? In general terms, is it smooth, detailed, dynamic, soft, transparent, slightly veiled, impactful bass, slightly rounded bass, great treble extension or slightly rolled? Warm robust midrange, lean mids, fairly neutral to dry?

Thank you
4musica, I'm sure you enjoy the fine sound from the Ayre, but do you like having paid $6,000 for a cheap, flimsy drive that they provide? A friend has one, and I couldn't believe using a $25 transport in a $6,000 machine. Things like that I find totally unforgiveable and so typical of the greed the designers who think they are so special they can make the maximum money with cutting corners. It is to Marantz' credit that they provide a top notch transport. You should use the Marantz as a transport connected to the Ayre, and that should open your eyes.
Zear - I agree that the drive on the Ayre is relatively chip and flimsy, but I still love the sound the Ayre provides! And I got that unit at a very good discount and even was able to trade in another CD player on the deal. So $-wise I came out nicely.

You have made an interesting suggestion about using the Marantz as a transport for the Ayre. It is not a gear change that I can permanently accomodate, but I will eventually do what you have suggested. Thank you for the idea!
That is one of the big reasons I bought the Marantz was for the transport mechanism. It still sounds great without a d/a converter and you can also use an outboard clock if you so wish. It is a great player that is very versatile. Some may not like it, so be it, we each have our own likes and dislikes.
Yeah, Marantz fans, let's unite! It is hard not to fall in love with these works of arts, made in JAPAN, where the quality level of materials and finish is unmatched.

You get so much in this piece...quality, gorgeous construction, features missing from so many expensive pieces, and then the transport that should shame most other companies. No piece is completely perfect in all areas of musical reproduction, and I'm certainly not saying the Marantz is. But it is very good sounding, and just an all around great unit.
Sorry, but my reply was hasty. I had the SA11 Series 2, but then the Pearl came out, and a friend I know bought it. The black finish was very classy looking, and I got jealous. We made some comparisons between the two, and I have to admit that it made me go buy the Pearl. They both have similarities in sound, but I decided I liked the sound of the Pearl better, and the fact that it was designed like a hotrod modification can be heard. It really is a special player. It just sounds wonderful, though I could live with either player.