Best Digital Source That Money Can Buy?

(1) Either single unit CD Player or Transport/DAC combo.

(2) no modded units please, only factory stock models

(3) please rank them if you can


A few come to my mind:

EMM Labs, DCC2 SE + CDSA SE combo
Esoteric, P-03/D-03/G-0Rb combo
Wadia, 581 Pro
Thanks Emigene,

Haven't heard both the Vitus and Soulution player. The only thing that I have to consider is the price. The Soulution player is more than twice the price of the Vitus, but probably not twice as good. If the Vitus is only slightly less good I'll happily go for that unit. I also have a Vitus amp so I assume there must be some synergy there as well.

I wonder if I would miss the fact that both the Soulution and Vitus don't play SACD.
In SOTA electronics to go from 96% of the highest quality available to get the 97% you MUST to pay double, if you have a system that give you 45% and you want to get 50%, you only need to pay a little more, in relation to SACD, is not yet dead?
Before to move your money please hear Vitus, SOULUTION, MPS-5, and why not Memory player, it also deserves a great attention, for me one of the three best transport, if it is a transport.
Mrtennis, I'm afraid that you confuse "improve the sound" with "change the sound". ;-)

>>to go from 96% of the highest quality available to get the 97% you MUST to pay double<<

Two questions:
1. How did you determine that?
2. How do you measure the 1%?

Thanks in advance.
hi dave:

i have basically posited the concept of "improve the sound" as a "change in the sound" that is preferred.

thus, improving the sound implies changing it and preferring the change.

you have not specified what you mean by "change the sound".
i suspect that improve, in your view, means less inaccurate.