First SACD to Listen To?

Despite having been an early adopter of CD's (I still have my Magnavox 650 in storage), I have never listened to an SACD. (I have listened to DVD-A's and was very impressed, but we know what happened to that format.)

My CEC TL-1x/Dodson 218 combo does not play SACD, but I have an Oppo 980h which I understand does. If I were to buy one SACD to get a sense of how that format sounds, which would you recommend? I generally listen to folk rock, some jazz, some classical.


Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
I suggest Jorma Kaukonen's "Blue Country Heart," with stellar back-up including Sam Bush and Jerry Douglas, and even Bela Fleck on a couple of tracks.
I'm sure you will receive many other worthy suggestions. If you know Jorma and Hot Tuna, you will like this album a lot.
It is a very well recorded SACD and the music is terrific.
Whatever you choose, it would be best to stick to an SACD that was recorded using DSD instead of an older recording that has been remastered, even with DSD.
Whatever you pick wouldnt it make sense to listen to something you actually are familiar with? Anyone can love a pristine recording but to understand what SACD truely can do you have to know what you are hearing. Dark Side Of The Moon get your blood flowing?...that sounds great SACD.
Ncarv - I bought that recording on CD a few years back. I didn't know it was available on SACD. It is a great recording, even on CD. As to the first disc? I recommend Chesky's World's Greatest Audiophile Vocal Recordings. Very simple, pristine sound with a lot of space and air. Definitely "audio demo" stuff, but I think the music is worthwhile, especially Kenny Rankin singing Round Midnight.
Beck's "Sea Change" is the one sacd that I would recommend. What kind of music do you like?